Release Notes
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Release Notes
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VisitReport Dashboard 14.15.1
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to go to the next question option with Enter.
VisitReport App 3.5.1
What's new
- Added a functionality to update the base URL configuration for "BadgeGuys" badge provider.
- Added a functionality to support these badge providers: Bravura Technologies, Visit Connect & Let's Get Digital.
- Fixed an issue where scanning of "LeadRetrieval" trade fair badges did not work.
VisitReport Dashboard 14.15.0
What's new
- Allow events to be taken live even without questions in the questionnaire.
- Added a functionality to manage VAT field of individual participants.
- Added contact source in report datatable and contact edit form of VR dashboard.
VisitReport Dashboard 14.14.0
What's new
- Added a functionality to activate leaderboard feature in the app.
VisitReport App 3.5.0
What's new
- Implemented support for trade fair badge provider "SIMLEA".
- Added leaderboard view to the team coordination page.
- Improved the UI of the media library by showing an icon for offline available files.
- Improved the UI of participant modal and info center page to have appropriate spacings around offline mode indicator.
- Improved personal email suggestions.
- Added a functionality to enable swipe gestures for the report view on iOS.
- Added a functionality to broadcast TeamCoordination Status.
- Fixed an issue where rapidly clicking the finish button would open the export modal multiple times.
- Fixed an issue where the "Cancel" option is missing in list view and the "Share link" option is missing in search view.
- Fixed an issue where the note for a new contact was missing when creating a report from an inventory data QR code scan.
- Fixed an issue where adding multiple participants was possible by tapping on "Inventory data" during participant addition to the report.
- Fixed an issue where refresh CRM button was infinitely loading after linkedIn connection attempt.
- Fixed an issue where, groups and question are not shown if they are dependent.
- Fixed an issue where, the fallback option for MyExpoLeads mappings opens NFC scan sheet.
VisitReport Dashboard 14.13.0
What's new
- Upgraded code editor for follow-up email html templates.
- Improved the UI of the app design settings.
- Improved the performance of the DataTable used in the Report Grid, Team Coordination and Inventory Data.
VisitReport Dashboard 14.12.0
What's new
- Added a functionality to sort event by status.
- Add live status sync to team coordination page.
- Improved the UI of Event Home.
- Improved the UI of the follow-up mail configurator.
- Fixed a bug where the CRM name was not displayed correctly in the Merge View.
- Fixed a bug where the number of options was not shown correctly after importing a master question.
- Fixed a bug where selected inventory data could not be edit.
VisitReport App 3.4.1
What's new
- Implemented support for trade fair badge provider "Fielddrive".
- Updated support for trade fair badge provider "Lead Retrieval".
- Fixed an issue with the QR code scanner on Android.
VisitReport App 3.4.0
What's new
- Implemented support for trade fair badge provider "Eventscribe".
- Added option to add different variants of attachments to the follow-up email based on language.
- Hidden/disabled CRM entitites are no longer shown in inventory data search.
- Overhaul of barcode scanner view.
- Improved the UI of questionnaire so text and textarea questions have text placeholders.
- Added attachment interaction to the questionnaire answer options.
- Refactored editing of meeting participants to respect mandatory fields set in the vr-dashboard.
- Fixed an issue where bottom elements on multiple screens were overlapping with "Home indicator" on iPhone devices when all footer navigation tabs are disabled.
- Fixed various issues with incorrect behaviour when the Android back-button is pressed.
- Fixed an issue with the functionality of "CRM add participant" button. The button is always enabled and connectivity is being checked when button is clicked.
- Fixed an issue with overwriting personal contact-fields when using company data search.
- Fixed an issue with creating meetings inside of set date range.
VisitReport Dashboard 14.11.0
What's new
- Questionnaire editor improved to allow for language specific email attachments.
- Followup-Mail modal extended with language-picker.
- Improved the UI of the meetings resource selection, for better navigation.
- Improved the UI in Follow-up emails and made the variant name a required field.
- Fixed a bug where unsortable custom fields had sorting buttons.
- Fixed a bug where all filters with the same name would be selected instead of only the one clicked.
- Correctly load bulk export mappings for mapping / unique template ids.