Release Notes

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Release Notes

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DataQuality 11.17.0 & snapADDY Helper 3.5.0

What's new

  • Added CRM duplicate highlights to the "People also viewed" / "More profiles to browse" modals on profile pages.
  • Added a way for trial users to export contacts to DataQuality.


  • Fixed an issue where highlights were not properly shown within the LinkedIn SalesNav leads list.
  • Fixed an issue where the duplicate counter was disappearing after exporting an entity within the LinkedIn mergeview.
  • Fixed an issue where the updater button within Pipedrive deal pages did only show the "Create new contact" option.

DataQuality Automation 1.34.0

What's new

  • Added a way to remove all active triggers from a workflow at once.
  • Added a way to trigger workflows from other workflows.


  • Suggestions where the "accept" workflow failed, will now reappear in the suggestions list and a small hint about the occured error will be displayed.

DataQuality Automation 1.33.0

What's new

  • Only show contact lists that are configured to appear in DataQuality Automation.
  • Add a way to open the logs for a specific workflow execution by searching for it by ID.


  • Fixed an issue where incorrect labels where shown for suggested dropdown values.

DataQuality Research 12.9.0

What's new

  • The sidebar now shows a link to DataQuality Automation for all DataQuality users, navigating to a page where a demo video of DataQuality Automation is shown.
  • Only show contact lists that are configured to appear in DataQuality Research.


  • Updated some wordings and translations.

DataQuality Automation 1.32.0

What's new

  • Add a "duplicate" option to the workflow list item dropdown.
  • Add a second confirmation step to bulk operations.
  • Improve assigning and creating triggers for created workflows.
  • Improved the workflow node creation dropdown by creating submenus for different "categories" of nodes.


  • Fixed an issue where the user list within the "Mailbox" admin page would stay empty when some users don't have filled in first- or lastnames.
  • Change the "country mapping" field type within the "Format phone number" workflow node from combobox to input.

DataQuality 12.8.1


  • Fixed an issue where the main list was not displayed as the first one

DataQuality 12.8.0

What's new

  • Added new sources to the company data search (Dun & Bradstreet, Sunbiz and SOSWA)

DataQuality 12.7.0

What's new

  • Added initial support for SAP Sales Cloud V2 incl. duplicate check, creating and updating leads, contacts, accounts aswell as exporting notes and attachments

DataQuality 12.6.4

What's new

  • Additional information, such as previous workplaces, for LinkedIn leads is now visible in the contact person search.
  • Added a way to use SAPs own duplicate check API to search for contacts and accounts.

DataQuality 12.4.0

What's new

  • Added the german company register ("Handelsregister") as a new source to the company data search.
  • When running within SAP Sales Cloud, DataQuality will now detect whether the connected url equals the currently opened SAP tenant and warn users about mismatches.


  • Fixed an issue within DataQuality Automation where copying the node id within a workflow node config modal footer didn't work.