Release Notes

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Release Notes

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Dashboard 5.18.0


  • Prevent master questions from being added to the same questionnaire multiple times
  • Fixed broken links to user & user-group settings in questionnaire configurator

Dashboard 5.17.0

What's new

  • Added the option to add default-answers to questions in the questionnaire configurator
  • Added the option to add a profile-picture to your snapaddy account, for use with the team-coordination feature
  • Added an new column to the team-coordination page to display the users email


  • Redesigned the user profile page


  • Fixed a small issue with french translation
  • Fixed some UI issues when creating a new questionnaire

Dashboard 5.16.2

What's new

  • Direct export to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 365 including duplicate-check from the VisitReport dashboard
  • Direct export to SAP C/4HANA including duplicate-check from the VisitReport dashboard

Dashboard 5.15.0

What's new

  • In the report-analytics view, the participants countries of origin can now be seen on an interactive world-map.
  • It is now possible to filter reports by their salesforce duplicate-check results.


  • The teamcoordination view now auto-refreshes every 30 seconds.


  • Terminal-accounts are not shown in the teamcoordination view anymore, since these features are not compatible.
  • When restricting the access to a questionnaire to one or more usergroups, the users that are part of said groups are now shown in the teamcoordination view.
  • In the Mandril-exort error-message, the id of the report that failed to export is now displayed correctly.

Dashboard 04.20

What's new

  • Reworked the entire VisitReport Templates/Reports-List and navigation


  • Follow-up emails
    • Added functionality for supporting multiple email variants + customizable salutations within emails
  • Misc
    • Changed wording in analytics pdf export dialogue
    • Added faq links to questionnaire-settings
    • Language select in questionnaire settings is now diabled after finalizing/mastering
    • After duplicating, template name is updated to "Copy of " and questionnaire-title field is focused
    • Also removed the Template IDs from the List of Reports again


  • When copying questions from a master, show the correct master-name

Dashboard 03.20.02


  • VR-Dashboard parts of multiple-signatures feature
  • Added filter for Follow-up-email sent/not sent
  • Report Grid clear filter values on pressing reload button
  • Hide captcha and unnecessary information for invited users


  • Fixed an Issue that made duplicating master templates impossible
  • Fixed a call to the rest api, to enable duplicating templates who's lifespan has ended/is yet to start
  • Removed linebreaks from inventory-data upload. This fixes an issue where inventory-data downloads in the app could stop unexpectedly.

Dashboard 03.20

What's new

  • Report Grid / Analytics:
    • Report grid - add filter for "checked by"
    • Report grid - display reports and contacts instead of "rows"
    • Analytics - make question numbers optional part of pdf export


  • Follow-up emails
    • Added translations for salutation & name tags
    • Added ability to send test-email in a different language
    • Added link to SMTP settings from follow-up email configurator
    • Email-Address field for test-emails is now prefilled with the users-email
  • Report Grid / Analytics:
    • Analytics page counts reports instead of contacts for user related statistics
    • Fixes "0 of 0 Contacts selected" after deleting all Inventory Data Contacts
    • changed wording in report-grid "Reports: 361 - Contacts: 388" => "361 Reports (388 Contacts)"


  • Reverted a change from the 5.9.2-release regarding updating of report-export-status, that caused notification-emails not to be sent anymore when using the "checked" trigger
  • Fixed broken Translations on Template overview grid

Dashboard 02.20


  • Refined the report statistics
    • New general structure for a better overview
    • Refined axis layout and labels
    • Changed some wordings