snapADDY for SugarCRM
With our SugarCRM integration, you can enter new leads in just seconds. Complex customer data maintenance becomes a thing of the past with snapADDY.

snapADDY & SugarCRM
A real time-saver
With snapADDY for SugarCRM, you can make your sales work much more efficient. This way you can focus on your core tasks.
Automatic & uniform data transfer
Contact data come in various formats. With snapADDY, you create order from the data chaos at the push of a button. This way you increase the quality of your leads, prospects, contacts or accounts in SugarCRM and have more time for more important tasks.

Fast, faster, snapADDY
Capturing a new lead usually takes several minutes. As an intelligent sales assistant, snapADDY takes on this task for you. Thanks to snapADDY new leads land directly in your SugarCRM in just a few clicks and without manual data entry. Additionally, Sugar-specific data fields like "lead source" can be selected in advance.

Convenient link-up
To link your SugarCRM account to snapADDY, which you have to do only once, go to the settings page in snapADDY DataQuality. Under “Export settings” you can select Sugar as your CRM system. Enter your SugarCRM URL and your account information. The two systems are now connected. The simplified contact data maintainance with snapADDY for SugarCRM can start!
Duplicates: we see double!
When grabbing contacts, snapADDY shows you if you - or maybe another team member - already entered the lead, contact, account or prospect into Sugar. Before every snapADDY contact a square with two parts is shown. When the lower part turns red, it means that the company already exists in your SugarCRM system. When the upper part is green, you are dealing with a new contact person. The duplicate check is automatically triggered every time you grab or export a contact, but you can also refresh it manually. Additionally, you can conveniently complete existing contacts with new contact data.

Custom fields in SugarCRM
A SugarCRM installation is usually customized to the needs of the respective company. Obviously, every company uses different Sugar modules, but also contact information fields are often customized. snapADDY offers the possibility to create your SugarCRM custom fields in snapADDY DataQuality. This enables you to immediately export your custom fields from snapADDY to SugarCRM.