snapADDY for Pipedrive
With snapADDY’s Pipedrive integration you can directly save grabbed addresses from e-mails, your browser or other data sources as contacts, organizations & deals - with no manual data entry.

snapADDY & Pipedrive
Pure sales efficiency
With snapADDY, time-consuming data maintenance becomes child’s play at the push of a button. This way, you’ll have more time to focus on your core sales activities!
Create deals without manual data entry
Increase your sales efficiency now. With the expansion of snapADDY for PipeDrive, you can directly and automatically transfer newly found contacts and addresses to Pipedrive - no manual data entry needed! Simply highlight the address data in an email, from a web page or other Office documents, the data transfer is done by snapADDY DataQuality. No matter how many spaces, breaks or different phone number formats, snapADDY recognizes the data reliably. Pipedrive is a sales CRM and you should not waste any time on unnecessary data maintenance.
Extensive integration in Pipedrive
Connecting snapADDY to Pipedrive takes only a few seconds. In order to connect both systems, go to the snapADDY settings, select Pipedrive and login with your Pipedrive username and password. Now you can use the full functionality of snapADDY. New addresses can be created as usual with all common CRM fields. This way you don’t have to create new deals in PipeDrive itself, but you can fill out all the data directly via snapADDY.

Recognize duplicates & complete existing contacts
snapADDY for Pipedrive offers a practical duplicate recognition. At a glance, you can see whether a contact or an organisation already exists in your Pipedrive account (red square), or if it is new (green square). Another advantage of snapADDY is the opportunity to complement already existing contacts. Usually, the right contact information for a new deal will only be available to you after the first phone calls and an email exchange. With our Pipedrive integration, you can conveniently complete existing contacts with newly acquired contact data. This way, you can easily close the data gaps in your Pipedrive account.

Update your outdated contacts
Using pipedrive together with snapADDY enables you to update your existing account data in your pipedrive account quickly and easily. snapADDY shows which values are stored in your CRM for each field value for a selected account and what snapADDY DataQuality has found. The contact-page crawler, as well as the email finder and the contact person search are being used in order to obtain the fitting new data for that old contact. You can decide which data you want to use to override existing values for that specific account. Get your outdated contacts back in track in your pipedrive CRM and increase your data quality in your pipedrive system.

Custom fields in Pipedrive
Every Pipedrive system is different. Even when two companies are using the same CRM system, their sales strategy differ for their specific products. This includes the use of custom fields in Pipedrive. Therefore, we offer our customers to integrate their custom fields in snapADDY. You have your own field for notices or want to export the website / position for your company or contact person for example? Not a problem with the integration of your custom fields in Pipedrive in snapADDY DataQuality!