snapADDY for HubSpot
The HubSpot integration to snapADDY makes your daily sales work easier! Extract contacts from e-mails, the browser or other data sources directly and without typing as a contact, company or business in your HubSpot CRM system.

snapADDY & HubSpot
Together through thick and thin
With snapADDY, your Hubspot CRM system becomes even more powerful. With automated sales processes your focus can get back on actually selling your products with your HubSpot CRM system. The exhausting work of recording all contacts in Hubspot becomes child's play!
Address extraction with our algorithm
Our algorithm, which has been constantly developed for two years, ensures that you no longer have to enter addresses in your HubSpot CRM system manually. From unstructured text in documents or websites from the Internet, our algorithm recognizes important contact values and connections. This results in a complete lead, displayed in snapADDY DataQuality, which is then automatically stored in your HubSpot CRM.

Easy Setup
The connection between snapADDY and HubSpot is very convenient and fast. The API connection allows individual fields and a duplicate check for new entries for a HubSpot system. To connect snapADDY to HubSpot, you only have to log in once using DataQuality with your usual HubSpot login data.

Recognize duplicates in HubSpot
snapADDY in conjunction with HubSpot provides only unique and new contacts. With a integrated duplicate recognition, you can see at a glance whether the contact and / or the company are already present in your HubSpot CRM. Existing data is indicated by a red rectangle. When a green rectangle is shown, you know that these data are not yet stored in your HubSpot CRM. Currently, the HubSpot API connection is still under construction and allows only a duplicates search based on values as e-mail addresses and web pages. We're going to improve the whole connection immediately if the HubSpot API has been improved.

Individual fields for HubSpot
Every HubSpot CRM is a little different. From own settings to specially defined fields - a CRM tool like snapADDY has to reproduce the system perfectly here. This is why you can use snapADDY to integrate your own fields of your HubSpot CRM system. Do you have your own memo field or want to save other values in the HubSpot CRM? No problem with the integration of your individual fields in HubSpot in snapADDY DataQuality!