Release Notes
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Release Notes
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DataQuality 11.6.0
What's new
- Added support for Hubspot owner lookups
- Fixed an issue where the "assigned to" field was not set correctly for SuiteCRM contacts
- Fixed an issue where the company change detection would also block the lead mergeview
- Fixed an issue where selecting a lookup entity would not add a chip to the mergeview
- Fixed an issue where exporting profile images to SAP leads didn't work
- Fixed an issue where the connection check to SugarCRM and SuiteCRM didn't work
- Code cleanup
- Persistently save the "Developer mode" flag and show debug UI below mergeviews when the flag is set
DataQuality 11.5.0
What's new
- Added mergeview state synchronization between clients and for shared lists
- Use email domain instead of website if available in the email validator
- Improved duplicate detection after executing a contact person search
- Improved duplicate detection for companies where the name includes umlauts (ä/ö/ü) or special characters for Pipedrive
- Changed the default field type for Microsoft Dynamics revenue fields from "input" to "number"
- Fixed an issue where opening a duplicate within SageCRM from the duplicate popover didn't work
- Fixed an issue where exporting the last contact on a page would not open the first contact on the next page
- Fixed an issue where the Hubspot updater button wouldn't load correctly when navigating within Hubspot
DataQuality 11.4.0
What's new
- "Tabbing" through the mergeview will now directly show input fields for focused rows. (Only for Input, TextArea and number fields)
- Added an updater button to Hubspot (Contact, Company, Deal)
- Added support for LinkedIn Industry Codes v2
- Automatically close the LinkedIn browser tab when logging in to LinkedIn via the company data search hint
- Improved data grabbed when using a google maps snapADDY button
- Improved UI of the trial CRM-Export modal
- Disable refinement functions while the mergeview is loading
- Fixed an issue where a small window was opened and closed quickly in the Outlook addin when executing a company data search
- Fixed an issue where a wrong label was shown in the UI for weclapp contacts
DataQuality 11.3.0
- Added a hint to log in to LinkedIn if necessary to the company data search modal
- Added an info toast when reaching the rate/usage limit
- Automatically close the Microsoft Dynamics / SAP Sales Cloud browser tab after logging in via websession
- Make sure the date / datetime picker is completely in the viewport when editing a date / datetime field in the mergeview
- Reordered the dropdown options of the "Create new" button and renamed it's "New contact" option to "Add manually"
- Updated multiple server endpoints and introduced new bulk http requests to improve the performance of the company data search and contact person search
- Fixed an issue where every field was highlighted after a company data search instead of only the ones where the value changed
- Fixed some issues where sometimes no and other times multiple same duplicates where shown in the duplicate popover within the mergeview
- Fixed a UI issue were the export action buttons (duplicate, create new, don't create) above the mergeview were not resized correctly when resizing DataQuality
- Fixed a UI issue were a gray line was shown for every disabled integration in the DataQuality settings
DataQuality 11.1.0
What's new
Added support for custom mapped duplicate checks to our Pipedrive integration
- Added some entries to the internal website blacklist for the company website finder
- Datepickers in the mergeview will now close automatically when selecting a day
- Duplicate check results will now be synchronized beween the duplicate check popover and the mergeview duplicate selection popup
- Improved LinkedIn / XING profile link handling within the mergeview
- The first contact in your contact list will now be opened automatically when opening DataQuality or changing the selected contact list
- Fixed an issue where any popover was closed when DataQuality lost and regained focus
- Fixed an issue where signatures were not correctly exported for VisitReports containing multiple participants
- Fixed an issue where tokens weren't refreshed properly when exporting to Hubspot
What's new
- Added Support for exporting contacts to Microsoft 365
- Added Support for lookup fields for Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce, SAP Sales Cloud, Pipedrive, SageCRM, SugarCRM, SuiteCRM
- Added a Webcam selection dropdown in the Businesscard scan modal
- DataQuality will now automatically start the company data search when using the updater button on a company page within your CRM
- Updated Frontend framework to the latest Version
- Updated the UI of the "Copy & Paste" field to be more consistent with SmartAutocomplete
- Improved contact list loading time
- Fixed an issue where contact lists / contact items randomly dissappear until the next reload
- Fixed an issue where the "Getting Started" popup was located behind the Mergeview
- Fixed an issue where the "Loading Fielddefinitions" modal was shown when opening the Excel/CSV view
- Fixed an issue where the automatic duplicate check wasn't starting after grabbing multiple contacts from XING ProBusiness / after importing multiple contacts via Excel file
- Fixed an issue where the same website was added as new chip to the Mergeview
- Fixed an issue where the XING contact person search not returning any results
- Updated the "Getting Started" popup layout
- Fixed an issue where the CRM values were not preselected when having the "Preselection of multiple field values" configured to do so
DataQuality 10.11.0
What's new
- Added a wand icon to LinkedIn contact person search results which will retrieve more information about this contact when clicked
- Added location information to contact person search results
- Cancel outdated contact person search request when removing a filter
- Improved splitting of contact person names when executing a contact person search
- Internal Framework update for the contact person search
- Remove Emoji from contacts grabbed via contact person search
- Fixed the numbers of duplicate indicators beeing different between contact-list and merge-view
- Searching for duplicates will no longer break the duplicates message in mergeview entity headers
- Show an error modal if connected to a crm that needs a snapADDY extension (DataQuality/Helper) to be installed
DataQuality for Salesforce 2.1.0
What's new
- Smart Autocomplete is available for Account and Contact entities now
- Email validator deducts domain from given email address (not only the website field)
- Custom Metadata Types are not editable when installed as a managed package
- Broken view when assigning images to email contact suggestions
- Add macOS modifier badge to clipboard textarea
- Record types are not considered in lightning-record-edit-form when creating a new record
DataQuality 10.10.0
What's new
- Added a popup which shows the contact's businesscard. It can be opened by clicking on the "camera" icon mentioned before
- Added a Small "camera" icon to contacts having a businesscard
- Added the "back to contactlist" button which was only shown in the Dasboard/CRM Integration to every client
- Disable other mergeview entities when an account change was detected
- Removed the "contact list" button from the primary header
- Add a dropdown option to mark contacts as "read" / "unread"
- Added an overflow popup to the entity actions (list of actions at the bottom of the mergeview) when there would be to many entries
- Improved mergeview loading performance and refactored internal duplicate handling
- Show environment specific integration settings (e.g. show Salesforce integration settings when running embedded within Salesforce)
- Close the company data search / contact person search modals when grabbing a new contact
- Enhanced stability of the SuiteCRM connection
- Fixed image adjustment sliders in "add contact via webcam" modal
- Fixed inconsistent XING url format between grabber button and contact person search
- Fixed the back to top button within the contact person search
- Fixed XING urls not grabbed from company data search
DataQuality 10.9.0
What's new
- Added a "Getting started" popup which shows a list of steps to setup DataQuality
- Added a small loading popup when the mergeview is opened for the first time
- Added an export setting to define which fields should be preselected in the mergeview when executing refinement functions like company data search or contact person search
- Added company name harmonization for the Pipedrive organization duplicatecheck
- Changed the default file access when exporting attachments to Hubspot from "PUBLIC_NOT_INDEXABLE" to "PRIVATE"
- Increased performance and data recognition within the company data search
- Fixed an issue where no "empty" chips would be shown in the SAP mergeview
- Fixed an issue where the wrong CRM connection would be used when using DataQuality embedded in multiple different Microsoft Dynamics instances
- Fixed an issue where language changes in the snapADDY Dashboard, Dynamics, SAP or Salesforce would not get reflected within the embedded DataQuality application